Research Excellence Framework 2021

Some of the material on this project site has been submitted to the UK Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021, which is assessing the quality of research published between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2020.

The publication dates of all relevant material here are given in the footer of each page and can be verified by reference to the project team’s announcements on the project Twitter feed, @EarlyMusTheory. In some cases, the edited texts or translations have been revised since they were first published; the date the text as shown was established is revealed by the Information button at the head of each text:


In addition, a date-stamped version of the project, as at December 2020, has been archived especially for the purpose of the REF, accessible from the link below.

December 2020 archive version

Opening from de diversis monochordis etc
An opening from De diversis monochordis etc. in Ghent, Universiteitsbibliotheek, MS 70, copied in Ghent by Anthony van Sint-Maartensdijk, before 8 November 1503.